EnderIdex Second Extruder not homing

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality Ender 3 with EnderIdex upgrade.
MCU / Printerboard: BigTreeTech Manta 8P with BTT SBC

klippy.log (78.5 KB)

I have a Creality Ender 3 with the EnderIdex upgrade.

I am trying to upgrade to kilpper and a BigTreeTech Manta 8P.

So far I have connected everything and flashed the BTT with their firmware.

I have also loaded the BTT config file for Klipper.

My problem is that the second x-axis carriage won’t home. It does move but it moves to the x0 position for a set amount. It then stops whilst the first carriage does successfully home.

Here is a video of the homing action.

Idex Homing Failure

I have no prior experience with Klipper and minimal with Marlin. I am used to reprap, specifically Duet boards.

If I use the command T0 it says it is already selected. Using T1 says the tool does not exist.

I would appreciate any help or insight.

Many Thanks.