Error message at homing


when try to move motors, homing, Klipper shutodwn, and shows this error…
I have try, to homing only in X and Y, and the same…

Unable to read tmc uart ‘stepper_z’ register IFCNT

The better, i have not driver , no motor in Z slots of OCTOPUS PRO

The board is an Octopus pro and the drivers are TMC 2209

Please attach your klippy.log file here

Also refer to various existing topics, in particular TMC 'extruder' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(reset - #39 by Sineos

thanks for being so fast, but I found the problem… it was simple, and my fault…

The thing is, since I had found a TMC 2209 driver, which did NOT work, I was trying them in pairs in X and Y, and HAD REMOVED ALL THE DRIVERS… I thought it wouldn’t matter, well yes, it does matter, Klipper checks that the drivers are punctured, even though the motors are NOT connected to them.

Thanks and sorry

well… this morning I had similar error messages, not the same… I think this time it’s not the damaged TMC Driver… since I’ve moved it, and the problems are still the same. Also the error message is different…

TMC ‘stepper_z’ reports error: GSTAT: 00000002 drv_err=1(ErrorShutdown!)

This time I attach klipper log

When the error refers to ‘stepper_z’, does it refer to a specific driver that is in position 6 of 8?

I’m going to keep doing tests, and I’m posting the results.
klippy.log (570.2 KB)

Please see the link above. This kind of errors always indicate that something is wrong electrically. The drivers itself are reporting these errors and Klipper just reacts upon them.

It refers to the stepper as defined here:

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin = z0_uart_pin

But looking at your log reveals:

TMC 'stepper_z' reports GSTAT:      00000001 reset=1(Reset)
TMC 'stepper_z1' reports GSTAT:      00000001 reset=1(Reset)
TMC 'stepper_z2' reports GSTAT:      00000001 reset=1(Reset)
TMC 'stepper_z' reports GSTAT:      00000002 drv_err=1(ErrorShutdown!)
TMC 'stepper_z1' reports GSTAT:      00000000
TMC 'stepper_z2' reports GSTAT:      00000000
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