February 19, 2022, 6:38pm
Intermediate summary:
Threads about this or related issues:
Same issue. Just updated klipper literally a few hours before it started happening. Pretty much a brand new build and i am 100% CERTAIN that there is no loose connectors or bad connections (i am a auto electrician by trade). So definitely a firmware problem. Could the devs look in to this issue at all? Its holding me up now… btw mine is saying stepper Y
I redid the wiring completely on all those stepper motors. So I have to assume, this was the issue. v(ツ)v
This is total speculation, but I think the resistance of the cables over the distance (1.2m) was to high, proportional to cable diameter (Ø=0.8mm) and the containing conductor (aluminium). So I used some HDMI cables, because of the electromagnetic isolation of the wires and the copper. I didn’t have any undervoltage or layershifts since.
You don’t have to use that, but - as a tipp - try ex…
Hello all,
I have been having problems for 3 months with a recurring GSTAT Error, mostly on the extruder, rarely on Z1. The error often occurs during the skirt or when the nozzle moves to the park position at the end of printing. Sometimes also in the middle of the print.
So far I have tried:
-Different USB cables on the Pi
-Original Pi power supply
-Pi connection changed to Serial
-Different mainboards, both with onboard and with plug-in steppers
-various cables, original, accessories an…
klippy.log (2.1 MB)
DUMP_TMC.log (1.2 KB)
Hi, can anyone give me any hints as to what I can do about “TMC ‘stepper_z’ reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)”? This is with TMC2226 in an Fysetc S6.
I’ve tried:
Disabling stealthchop.
Changing the stepstick.
Swapping which port the stepstick is plugged in to.
Changing the motor.
Changing the cabling between the board and motor.
It was working fine ~10 days ago when I last used it. It’s not always Z that has the error, about 10% of the…
BTT SKR E3 is by far leading the field
BTT SKR 2 two reports
BTT SKR 1.3 one report
Fysetc S6 one report
Solutions mentioned in the threads:
Correct / improve wonky wiring
Exchange stepper
Exchange driver
Remove / correct possibly faulty hardware (endstop, filament sensor)
Improve EMI / ESD resistance by adding / improving electrical grounding
It is fair to assume that these errors indeed point to some hardware issue
BTT SKR E3 seems especially prone to it. Weak hardware design?
Not a Klipper bug as partially indicated → Newer versions of Klipper just error out on such occurences, which is the right thing as otherwise consecutive faults that are pretty much untraceable can occur
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