"Extruder" reports GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)

Hello all,

I have been having problems for 3 months with a recurring GSTAT Error, mostly on the extruder, rarely on Z1. The error often occurs during the skirt or when the nozzle moves to the park position at the end of printing. Sometimes also in the middle of the print.

So far I have tried:
-Different USB cables on the Pi
-Original Pi power supply
-Pi connection changed to Serial
-Different mainboards, both with onboard and with plug-in steppers
-various cables, original, accessories and crimped by myself
-Frame and stepper additionally grounded
-Various settings in Klipper

Current setup is a SKR-2 with BTT TMC5160 on a Hemera.

I hope you can help me, because I do not know what to do anymore.

Thanks in advance.

klippy.log (568.6 KB)

This is what I did to solve this problem, add driver_tpfd: 0 , as bellow

[tmc5160 stepper_x]

cs_pin: PC14

sense_resistor: 0.075

interpolate: True

run_current: 1.28

#hold_current: 1

#stealthchop_threshold: 501

spi_software_mosi_pin: PG15

spi_software_miso_pin: PB6

spi_software_sclk_pin: PB3

driver_tpfd: 0

Thank you for this solution.
It looks like it isn’t working for me.

I lost one board due to sudden magic smoke. But the new one shows the same errors instantly.

So the search continues

Every print that started failed due to this error, mainly on Zed axis.

After including ‘driver_tpfd: 0’ has not happened once for around ~1 year.

Sorry it does not work for you, I know how frustrating this error is.

It seam’s only to do with 5160’s, so suggest changing to 2209?

Also it may not be obvious, but add it to all the TMC5160 sections.

Your tip was worth gold!
I added it to all the sections, but only when I added stealthchop in addition to the extruder section did it succeed.
Currently I have completed up to 12 hour prints.
Thanks for the crucial tip!

…not really sure how the dampening of the motor resonance (tpfd) would resolve a GSTAT 01 (reset) error?
For the 5160 the first ‘homing’ should be enough to self learn these settings which is the normal ops mode.