Error: Option 'pin' is not valid in section 'stepper_z'

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Kingroon KP3s
MCU / Printerboard: Kingroon (GD32F303)
klippy.log (215.3 KB)


Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue: Well, I had a semi-working configuration but then encountered some problems. So I’ve redone things – as far as I know correctly – but get this “Option ‘pin’ is not valid in section ‘stepper_z’” error for what appears to be no reason. I’ve Googled this but don’t find anything that helps. The log is attached, but here’s the stepper z config:

step_pin: PB5
dir_pin: !PB4
enable_pin: !PB8
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
microsteps: 32
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: !PA11 # disable to use BLTouch

endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop # enable to use BLTouch

position_endstop: 0.5 # disable to use BLTouch
position_max: 180
homing_retract_dist: 10.0
second_homing_speed: 5

position_min: -5 # enable to use BLTouch

Any help appreciated!

step_pin = PB5
dir_pin = !PB4
enable_pin = !PB8
full_steps_per_rotation = 200
microsteps = 32
rotation_distance = 8
endstop_pin = !PA11
position_endstop = 0
position_max = 180
homing_retract_dist = 10.0
second_homing_speed = 5
pin = ^!PA11        # What pin?
x_offset = -40
y_offset = 0
z_offset = 0
speed = 150
horizontal_move_z = 5
mesh_min = 30,30
mesh_max = 170,175
probe_count = 3,3


Thanks so much! Sloppy editing on my part…

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