Error ShortToSupply_A! on extruder

Basic Information: Error ShortToSupply_A! on extruder

Printer Model: Filament Innovations Poseidon
MCU / Printerboard: 2x BTT Octopus Pros
klippy.log (2.5 MB)

Hi everyone, hoping to get some help with our printer. Its throwing the error:
TMC ‘extruder’ reports error: DRV_STATUS: 601f1000 s2vsa=1(ShortToSupply_A!) csactual=31 ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!)

I’ve checked this page where it said it could be the wiring, stepper driver, or extruder and so I’ve done the following, but still get the same error every time.

  • Replaced the stepper with a different stepper—same error
  • Made a jumper wire to go from the board to the stepper and tested both old stepper and new stepper—same error
  • Changed the TMC5160 with a different one—same error
  • Changed the stepper port from port 0 to port 1—same error
  • Tried yet another stepper driver in port 1—same error
  • Made some changes in config, so rolled back to a known working config—same error
  • Noted I haven’t updated the firmware in a while so did so—same error (wont show in Klippy log since this is an edit after original post)

So I’ve essentially replaced every single thing in the line that seems like it could be the problem, and yet I still get the same error. So does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening?


Did it work in the past or did you turn on the printer now for the first time?

What happens without the stepper driver being connected to the feeder motor?
Will it raise a different error or is it fine?
If so what happens if you connect a different motor from one of the axes to this stepper driver?

Most likely there is a bad cabling of motor coil A. Even with everything being controlled you might have mixed up the cables.
Check the silk screen on the BTT Octopus Pro for the coil naming and have a look into the data sheet of the feeder motor and then connect equal contacts on both sides.

It ran fine in the past.

No error when I run the extruder with no motor attached to it but wiring still plugged in.

I haven’t hooked up a different extruder that works on the machine since my X/Y are driven by external drivers and Z is driven by four steppers so I dont really want to skew the bed by just running one. I did plug in an external stepper that I know works (tested on another board) and I get the same error. This was plugged in both to the existing cabling and a 6in cable I made for this test. Double checked the A/B of the stepper and its wired correctly.

The initial error was:

TMC 'extruder' reports GSTAT:      00000005 reset=1(Reset) uv_cp=1(Undervoltage!)
TMC 'extruder' reports GSTAT:      00000000

To my best knowledge this error is caused by:

  • First and foremost a wiring issue
    • Defect cables, crimping connections
    • Phase alignment not matching
  • Missing ! in front of the enable pin
  • Wrong board jumpers
  • Defect driver / stepper

I have not seen anything else so far. I’d be interested, if you can come up with something new :wink:

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