Fan , what is standard?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: GeeeTech A10T
MCU / Printerboard: GT2560 V4.1B

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Describe your issue:

Not really an issue, more a question…

I have made the printer.cfg file by myself… and it works… but I saw 1 fan, the small one that cools the print… (so nog the bigger one that cools the hotend) , so the small one is not run…

so now I found the I/O …

but how is it normally work?
I also found this :slight_smile:

pin: PH4
hardware_pwm: True
cycle_time: 0.005

#pin: PH5
#cycle_time: 0.150
#kick_start_time: 0.300

#pin: PH6
#hardware_pwm: True
#cycle_time: 0.005

[temperature_fan chamber]
pin: PH6
max_power: 1.0
shutdown_speed: 0.0
kick_start_time: 5.0
sensor_type: Generic 3950
sensor_pin: PF1
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 70
target_temp: 35.0
control: watermark
gcode_id: C

On the drawing motherboard PH4 , PH5 and PH6 arw PWM fan connections…

printer.cfg (21.3 KB)

Did you read:

The coldend fan cooling the heatsink of the hotend is typically temperature triggered and runs as soon as the hotend heats up and after a print/heating session until the temp is below 50 °C.
So you should see the sub category:

[heater_fan coldend_fan]
pin: PH5

Rest can be kept by its defaults (can be omitted in the config).
However I’m not sure whether your board supports hardware PWM or not.
So test it with

hardware_pwm: False


hardware_pwm: True

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