Hello I have a problem. I installed two pwm 3010 fans for my heat break and one for my nozzle. I plugged everything into the two pin for pwm fan which is located on my creality v2.2 motherboard that you can see attached. Except the problem is that I added in my print.cfg a section:
Did you connect both fans to the same fan connector (Layer Fan on the picture?)?
Then both fans act the same way and you only defined one heater fan in your config.
Just to clear this up: both fans act the same but are connected to those separate connectors?
That would mean they are electronically connected and can’t be controlled separately.
My web research did not result in success finding a second fan pin.
I would guess PH4, since you are not using that pin in your printer.cfg. But, you may measure first to confirm that. I don’t own that board and just made a quick www search.
exactly when I remove the section :
pin: PH6”
is that instead I put the section " [heater_fan heatbreak_cooling_fan]
pin: PH6"
Both activate. I tried with all PWM pins but only PH6 makes the fans work. So I think it’s impossible
According to the Marlin configuration files for this board, the only controllable fan pin is PH6 and PH4 is indeed Heater 1.
It is quite typical for such low-end boards to only have 1 PWM capable fan port
I’m just guessing here, I don’t have this board! I agree with Sineos with that (above quote). I guess all 4 mosfets are the same. @Pepitoo, you may check.
If yes, you can connect whatever you want to those 4 pins (PH6, PH4, PB4, and PH5 (if jamonterrell measured right)). But, Marlin confirms it.
My impression is, you can connect hotend, heatbed, or fans to above mentioned pins. Don’t get confused. If Creality uses the same mosfets for above mentioned pins, it doesn’t matter how they are named. You define it with PH6, PH4, PB4, and PH5 in your printer.cfg. datasheet (have a look at 13.3.2 and 13.3.8).
@hcet14 is correct:
Any pin that is equipped with a MOSFET can be used to run either a fan, hotend or heated bead. What you can run depends on the rating of the MOSFET. As such, you cannot run a hotend on a fan’s MOSFET as it will be killed quite quickly, but the other way round will work.