Feature Request: undo accidentally excluded object

It would be great if objects that have been excluded could be re-included. The only reason is to correct a mistake that has just been made.

Solves the following problem:

If you accidently chose the wrong object, that’s it, game over. There is currently no way to correct the mistake.

how quickly can you then react/recognize that you have stopped the wrong object? as soon as 1 layer has passed, it is too late to resume it.

that’s where i personally see the bigger problem…

Immediately. Long before the layer is done. I click it and then immediately say oh s*** that was the wrong one.

It’s very easy for someone to fat finger the wrong object when using either their phone or a touch screen on their printer which can be quite small and the objects are represented by generic squares, so it’s entirely possible to fat-finger the wrong thing and immediately realize it, but have no way to correct it

So your main issue is to hit the right object?

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Ever use “Ctrl z” before? Or spellcheck in a word doc? People make mistakes, I am simply asking for a way to undo the mistake. It would be a nice feature that seems fairly simple to implement, that’s all.

In my particular case, I was batch-printing 16 of the same object. 8 hours into the print, one of them started to come off the bed. I tried to cancel it. I fat-fingered the wrong one, I could not undo it, so I ended up canceling two objects, the incorrect one, and the correct one, wasting time and filament. Being able to turn the mistakenly canceled object back on before the end of the layer would have saved time, filament, and the object. Of course the goal would have been to cancel the correct one originally, but like I said, big fingers on small screen sometimes means the wrong things get clicked accidentally, even when trying to click the right ones

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