Filament load/unload

I just switched to Klipper from Marlin, I am running OctoKlipper. I have it working fairly well, I have my bltouch working, z-tilt, pressure advance, etc. The prints look good so far. But I can’t seem to find an easy filament load/unload. Am I missing something in the menus in Octoprint? Is there an extended gcode command I can use? So far this is the only thing that it looks like Marlin does better since the Marlin menus for filament change, load and unload worked extremely well but I can’t find this basic function in Klipper. Am I missing something simple?

If you want simple commands like LOAD and UNLOAD you would need to create macros. The default LCD menu does include some basic load and unload options, but I haven’t used Octoprint in a couple years so I’m not sure how it handles this stuff.

Thanks. I havent gotten the lcd to work yet. I have a new screen coming so I will see what those options are and look into macros after that.