Flow dependent extrusion control

Hi everyone,

I’m interestet to start into Klipper development to improve my codeing Skills and maybe contributing a little bit to all of the great work that has ben archived so far. For my first Project i thought about revisiting an idea that was brought up some time ago regarding flow dependent extrusion control.

Here Extrusion correct at various flowrates

and here extruder: Implement non-linear extrusion by Tobba · Pull Request #4231 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub

My concept is a little bit different from the former one as it is to dynamically adjust extrusion parameters based on real-time conditions—like monitoring the filament throughput of the short past and accounting for the thermal limits of the hotend—to allow better flow adjustments for low and high flowrates in one print but that is not fixed yet maybe i come up with something more refined when i started development.

I have some basic knowledge in C and Python from my university, but I’m relatively new to working with a large project like Klipper. I have read the Klipper developers information but iam still a little bit overwhelmed from all of this complexity

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or pointers on where to start. Specifically:

  • As i can’t fully understand Klipper’s workflow right now what are some common pitfalls or beginners mistakes/difficulties to implement some new functionalitys?
  • I think most of the changes would take place in kin_extruder.c and therefore i am a little worried of added compute time

Thanks in advance for your support!