FluiddPi Unknown pin chip name 'probe' - bl touch

Trying to install klipper on my Longer LK5 Pro but this error keeps coming up. It relates to the 3d touch I am trying to set up. Has anybody else encountered this?

Post a copy of your log. You appear to have a mistake in your bltouch configuration.

printer (15).cfg (4.6 KB)

This is the config I’m using - it eliminates the error but the BL touch still isnt working - how do I find the klippy log?

The log file is in the ~/klippy_logs directory. But the easiest way to get to it is to go to the “system” page in Fluidd (see buttons down the left hand side, it’s second from the bottom) and you’ll see a great big button marked “Klippy.log”, just press that to download it.

klippy (3).log (125.0 KB)
There’s the log :slight_smile:

Ok so new issue, 3D touch is now working however when running BED MESH CALIBRATE i get the following error when the probe reaches a certain X co-ordinate.
My bed is 300 x 300mm
klippy (4).log (555.8 KB)
printer (17).cfg (4.4 KB)

You are trying to probe an area that cannot be reached. Your mesh_max need to account for the probe offset. These values are relative to the probe position and your printhead would have to move beyond its physical limits to reach it.

Specifically, your X-Offset is set at -36mm, but your bed mesh starts at 16 on the Z axis, which means that it will try to move to X=-20mm, and you’ve set the minimum X position at X=0.

Also, have you run PROBE_CALIBRATE? Your Z offset is set at a suspiciously round 2.00mm. If you don’t run PROBE_CALIBRATE you run the risk of sending the nozzle into the bed.