FR: On Print start, pull metadata from moonraker (so it is available for macro variables)

Moonraker already has this data (it’s at the tail end of the gcode file itself). If klipper was able to parse the fields into variables (do this first, so not to overwrite anything being manually set) as a print is started, it would do several things.

  • Make it less complicated for users to create macros, as what you see in mainsail/fluidd via moonraker, would be the same set of attributes available for use in a macro.
    *Remove the need to re-slice a file to add additional attributes via custom gcode in the slicer, just to add attributes that already exist in the file.

Here is my Moonraker FR, Arksine directed me here:

Moonraker already has an api to pull the metadata for a given file.

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