Gd32f405 support ?!

I have some strange board with gd32f405 mcu, but usb uart not working after flashing klipper firmware by st-link. without bootloader.

but usb started with vid 0000 pid 0002 (or 0005)
when I configure klipper firmware to use USART1, com port with external ch340 is silent too… :frowning:

gd32f405 supported ? or it does not tested ?

I have the save error above:

[ 5472.453348] usb 4-1: new low-speed USB device number 14 using sunxi-ohci
[ 5472.636612] usb 4-1: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 5472.926678] usb 4-1: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 5473.196634] usb 4-1: new low-speed USB device number 15 using sunxi-ohci
[ 5473.380116] usb 4-1: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 5473.670056] usb 4-1: device descriptor read/64, error -62
[ 5473.776893] usb usb4-port1: attempt power cycle
[ 5473.973332] usb 4-1: new low-speed USB device number 16 using sunxi-ohci
[ 5474.386766] usb 4-1: device not accepting address 16, error -62
[ 5474.550078] usb 4-1: new low-speed USB device number 17 using sunxi-ohci
[ 5474.963420] usb 4-1: device not accepting address 17, error -62
[ 5474.963556] usb usb4-port1: unable to enumerate USB device

Did you do a www search about GD32F405? All I found

I’m pretty sure that MCU is not supported by Klipper.

Good luck, hcet14

On what system do you have running the Klipper host?

So far, no development work has been done in Klipper on this GD variant. If it is a drop-in replacement for the STM, then it might work out of the box. If not, an interested developer will probably have to spend some time on it.

For the F103 GD clones, it is necessary to select Disable SWD at startup during make menuconfig. Worth a try if it makes a difference.

In any case: If you see these messages in dmesg, something is failing very early in the process. This means that the board is not even recognized by the Linux operating system, let alone running Klipper.

gd32f303 (stm32f103) with klipper working fine on my ender 3 v2 neo :slight_smile:

but gd32f405 not working at all :frowning:

I try some other serial usart port and find that board working fine under klipper with usart3.
klipper working fine on gd32f405 !