okay… If I extrude T0, only the middle one is running, T1 , two are running… T2 only the left one is running…
Just to make things clear. Is this
GT2560V4.1BSCHA10T-1.pdf (127.1 KB)
the schematics you are working with?
Yes?.. Went the original firmware was in the printer , on the LCD by info there was GT2560 V4.1
by geeetech I only found the drawing for 4.1B so I think it is the right one…
and al the pins for the stappers are right, because just print something … with UltiMaker Cura tend it to the Geeetech… and that went okay…
now only the 3 extruders… 2 are working… what I explain T0 middle extruder, T1 both extruders, T2 the left one…
so now need to find out how i get 3 okay…
config-20231111-155133.zip (5.2 KB)
maybe someone can help? I have this printer.cfg file now…I can control, with the buttons T0,T1 or T2 which extruder starts to run. So that also works… So I thought I was ready… But I made a test print in Cura, and if I send it to the printer I get an “Extruder not configured”.
is the a klipper or a cura problem?
I have this settings in Cura:
@Sineos Too bad you don’t answer anymore… or you also don’t know ?
CFFFP_Karin_Plate.gcode (dropbox.com)
with this G-code I have test it… and It goes wrong by G92 E0
But I don’t understand where it goes wrong…
it is something between Kilpper and Cura…
hmm With notepad I changed T1 to T0, and then it start to print?
only with 2 extruders running…?
Ok, then you can forget about those! Totally wrong! For example, you use TMC2130 steppers. Your board has A4988 drivers.
I would start from the beginning.
You could take this https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/blob/master/config/printer-geeetech-301-2019.cfg to give your printer.cfg a reasonable structure. Be aware, that this is a delta printer! Yours uses
[printer] kinematics: cartesian
Marlin provides a config for your printer https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Configurations/tree/import-2.1.x/config/examples/Geeetech/A10T/YHCB2004_V4.1, but be aware, that they use a different printer board GT2560_V3!
Yours would probably be https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/blob/bugfix-2.1.x/Marlin/src/pins/mega/pins_GT2560_V41b.h
Check the pins used in “pins_GT2560_V41b.h” against your schematics. For the first ten pins, I also would check against your printer board to make sure you are using the right schematics.
When you finished your new printer.cfg (don’t copy, write it yourself) install Klipper according Sineos Installing Klipper with KIAUH.
Do yourself a favor and close this thread! You are not making friends with all your posting
Before asking again make sure you used the search options in Klippers documentation, here of course, and particularly in the WWW! Try to find the solution by your own before asking! This way you are getting more familiar with Klipper.
Good luck, hcet14
I cannot meaningful contribute to X-in-1-out setups as I’m not using it. The best reference is the thread I have provided above.
Best is to post a new klippy.log and maybe @jjarosz or @DrumClock could have a look as they have experience with this setup.
Based on what I’m seeing in this thread @Swets should focus on getting the Geetech printer running, in a stable way, basic functionality of the following before trying to get multi-color working:
- Correct motion in X, Y, and Z.
- Temp Sensors functioning
- Heaters working as expected.
- ONE extruder functioning as expected.
- Print some test prints using ONE color/extruder.
When that is successfully accomplished, then you can try to add in a SECOND extruder. Make additions to the slicer to support TWO extruders and make some 2 color prints.
When that is working, add in the THIRD extruder.
Closed by request of the OP
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