I am in the process of converting KlipperMaintenance from a Klippy extra to a Moonraker component. I am having trouble, however, with getting the name of the configuration section and reading parameters. Example:
[maintain lubricate]
trigger: print_time
threshold: 250
message: Lubricate axes
When I read this in Klippy extras, I can read the lubricate
name with
When I read this in a Moonraker component, I can’t get the lubricate
name. I have tried:
This also prevents me from reading parameters. For example, when I try to read the threshold:
self.threshold = config.getint('threshold')
It raises an error:
File "/home/pi/moonraker/moonraker/confighelper.py", line 226, in getint
return self._get_option(
File "/home/pi/moonraker/moonraker/confighelper.py", line 148, in _get_option
raise ConfigError(str(e)) from None
moonraker.confighelper.ConfigError: No section: 'maintain'
Any help would be appreciated.