Basic Information:
Printer Model: Kingroon KP3S PRO V2
MCU / Printerboard: Cheetah v1.1
Moonraker has failed plugins, please check your logs, update your configuration and restart moonraker.
- update_manager
Moonraker warnings found.
- Unparsed config section [update_manager] detected. This may be the result of a component that failed to load. In the future this will result in a startup error.
- Unparsed config section [update_manager client fluidd] detected. This may be the result of a component that failed to load. In the future this will result in a startup error.
- Unparsed config section [update_manager KlipperScreen] detected. This may be the result of a component that failed to load. In the future this will result in a startup error.
- Unparsed config section [update_manager auto_offset_z] detected. This may be the result of a component that failed to load. In the future this will result in a startup error.
- Unparsed config section [update_manager octoeverywhere] detected. This may be the result of a component that failed to load. In the future this will result in a startup error.
New in klipper community, dont understand why i keep seeing this problem.
I don’t see any critical inconsistencies in moonraker.conf what should i do?