Moonraker warnings found

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 v2
MCU / Printerboard:4.2.2
klippy(1).log (326.0 KB)
moonraker.log (149.3 KB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue:

I have updated my Fluidd today … by using KIAUH … then from inside Fluidd cause it keeps giving me another updates still there !!
then i got the following issues !!

  • [server]: Option ‘enable_debug_logging’ is deprecated, see the configuration documention at Configuration - Moonraker

  • [file_manager]: Option ‘config_path’ is deprecated, see the configuration documention at Configuration - Moonraker

  • [file_manager]: Option ‘log_path’ is deprecated, see the configuration documention at Configuration - Moonraker

  • Moonraker requires sudo permission to update the system service. Please check your notifications for further intructions.

  • GCode path received from Klipper does not match expected location.

Received: ‘/home/pi/gcode_files’
Expected: ‘/home/pi/printer_data/gcodes’

Modify the [virtual_sdcard] section Klipper’s configuration to correct this error.

path: /home/pi/printer_data/gcodes

Finally i got this message
Sudo Password Required

Moonraker requires sudo access to finish updating. Please click on the attached link and follow the instructions.
:sweat_smile: :joy: but i gives me after i put my password
Request failed with error:


this fixed mine…

cd ~/moonraker
git pull

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After running those instructions I am getting another error:
“unable to find config: /home/voron/klipper_config/moonraker.conf”
I found 4 locations for the mooraker.conf file. None match this location. Is the script OK ?
PS: My installation used to run OK until yesterday when I updated Moonraker on an Odroid C4 SBC on Voron24

The script’s default arguments are intended to work with MainsailOS and FluiddPi. Have you tried to let Moonraker automate the update? Check your announcements and look for the sudo password request.

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I hadn’t updated in 6 months and I’m trying to fix what is broken too.

I commented out enable_debug_logging and config_path in moonraker.conf.
I set the new path under [virtual_sdcard] in printer.cfg.

I’m still facing the sudo warning. I tried via the moonraker webfront, but got this

In moonraker.log I see this

2023-02-27 19:10:30,537 [] - Performing Service Validation…
2023-02-27 19:10:30,605 [] - Moonraker has sudo access
2023-02-27 19:10:30,608 [] - Service validation failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/pi/moonraker/moonraker/components/”, line 2001, in _on_password_received
await self._check_service_file()
File “/home/pi/moonraker/moonraker/components/”, line 1707, in _check_service_file
if not source_info.is_dist_package():
File “/home/pi/moonraker/moonraker/utils/”, line 34, in is_dist_package
site_dirs = site.getsitepackages()
AttributeError: module ‘site’ has no attribute ‘getsitepackages’
2023-02-27 19:10:30,611 [] - 500 POST /machine/sudo/password ( [No User] 185.02ms

I cannot run as

Error: unable to find log path: /home/pi/klipper_logs

this directory does not exist.


In case this helps someone else, I was able to run and fix everything AFTER manually creating the /home/pi/klipper_logs directory.