Horizontal_move_z can't be less than probe's z_offset

Basic Information:

Printer Model: JG Maker Artist-D IDEX
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Robin Pro
klippy.log (151.0 KB)] Printer.cfg printer (1).cfg|attachment](upload://yvWpGXI7AIEqfQdFaRNdmOtCIID.cfg) (13.0 KB)

Describe your issue:

I got the horizontal_move_z can't be less than probe's z_offset when I tried to perform a BED_MESH_CALIBRATE PROFILE=bed_mesh METHOD=automatic.

This worked before I performed a PROBE_CALIBRATE and SAVE_CONFIG.

Where this information was stored to my printer.cfg

#*# [bltouch]
#*# z_offset = 5.450

I am not using [z_tilt], so I did not have a horizontal_move_z configured.

I tried adding it to [stepper_z] anyway and gave me an error again telling me that horizontal_move_z is not a valid setting in [stepper_z] which per the documentation I thought I understood.

If I remove the z_offset calibration data it will MESH again without error.

I am assuming I am overlooking something that changes and needs updating after the calibration, but I have not discovered it yet.

Guidance is appreciated,

See Configuration reference - Klipper documentation

horizontal_move_z is the starting height of a probe operation and defaults to 5 mm. If your z_offset is already bigger than this, an impossible to solve situation is created and hence the error message.
Set horizontal_move_z to a value bigger than your z_offset

On a sidenote:
BLTouches need to be mounted precisely as specified by the manufacturer, or they will return crappy values. This z_offset indicates that you did not follow the relevant instructions.

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Well, again, this machine is a beater, and that is not important on tis printer. I was going to test a hotend on it, but it was way shorter than my other ones. If you are referring to my documentation, it said as close as possible, that is what I did for my application. And if you are also referring to the x_offset, then that is becasue I am testing out a design and the accuracy has been great.

I searched the documentation for horizontal_move_z, and it said it was only for tilt. If I had found a search result that was relevant to my situation, then I could have deduced more.

This is the Klipper Bible, correct?

If it is not there when I search for it, then I can not read what it says.

Please keep slapping me with the stupid stick. I understand, they are just going to keep coming.

What are you trying to tell me? It is in there and I have even provided you the link to the relevant section.
And if you had used the search function on this page you would have gotten the relevant hits as well:

Even a simple Google search for this error message would probably have taken you to the solution.

Sorry, was not looking there. It did not occur to me to look for an issue in a section that was not being pointed at directly with an error.

error numbers and explicit errors descriptions are very helpful and cut support issues down by half. Lets say horizontal_move_z in section [bltouch], then tell me what I did wrong. That is the equivalent to “PC Load Letter”. If someone does not know that PC means Paper Cassette, or the paper tray, then ??? let me call support.

Just like if I try to specify horizontal_move_z in section [stepper_x] it tells me exactly that there is no setting horizontal_move_z in section [stepper_x].

So, see horizontal_move_z in section [bltouch]. The error derived from that setting. So horizontal_move_z is defaulted to 5, please change in [bltouch] so it does not conflict with your z_offset

I do understand how much more work it is to implement error handling like that.

So I can change it, but I also installed the bltouch incorrectly?

We look forward to your pull requests to improve the error descriptions.

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@Sineos , Thank you. I replaced the hotend with a short heartbreak I was testing with an appropriate length replacement. That error went away became now I am not lower that the default value. Just like you said.

@jakep_82, maybe I will. I am disabled and can no longer work. One of my disabilities is insomnia, so I have even more time on my hands. I have two choices, live with it, or don’t.

Maybe it will give me purpose and help make the conversion process even easier for everyone. I am building a custom printer, and will be fixing a Diabase H-Series with klipper + canbus, and also a Flashforge Creator 3 that only klipper can save. I am sure I will find more errors that I will need to figure out.

And maybe just starting with a log that outlines the error messages with a list of things that could be wrong. Then you can direct people to that section to troubleshoot for themselves, or be better armed with their questions to make your help more efficient.

Also, you likely have the same questions over and over, maybe you are the best person to make that error definitions list. This setting means this, it is in these config settings, Then you explain each known error possibility.

Then again, it is your pony show and you can do whatever you like.

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