How To?... lower z-offset or higher flow on first layer 'starts'?

I see issues with some matte or silk PLAs with bed adhesion but only for the first mm or so, after that they lay perfectly smooth and flat – zero adhesion problems after that. So I’m wondering if there is a way to get more ‘squish’ and/or spit out more filament only for 1 to 2 mm for each new start, only on Layer 1?

Hope that makes sense? Thanks for the help!

These are settings that are usually made in the slicer.

not all can do that… I did find there is gcode Ellis posted that will do it – it was what I was looking for.

All major slicers that I’m aware of, have a z-offset configuration.

As an alternative, you can pass a z-offset, e.g. within your START_PRINT macro and have it processed by Klipper via SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z={Z_OFFSET} or something similar.