How to work with klippy.log data

I would like to plot the data recorded by klippy.log, specifically the temperature stat for now. After looking at the file, I don’t really know how to deal with the data, and I lack the knowledge/time to write a script to reformat it to csv.

Does a script like this exist?
Is the data already in a format that I don’t know?

Any advice or pointers are greatly appreciated.

The easiest solution is to use a frontend that can plot realtime temperatures (fluidd or mainsail with the moonraker backend, or octoprint).

If you need retrospective analysis, you can use scripts/ to parse and plot the data from the log. For example to plot the extruder temperature over time:
python3 scripts/ -t extruder klipper.log

You will need to install matplotlib and numpy libraries: sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-matplotlib