Basic Information:
Printer Model: doesn’t matter
MCU / Printerboard: doesn’t matter
Host / SBC doesn’t matter
klippy.log doesn’t matter
Describe your issue:
After recent updates, idle_timeout is triggered even during a pause in printing.
Printer Model: doesn’t matter
MCU / Printerboard: doesn’t matter
Host / SBC doesn’t matter
klippy.log doesn’t matter
After recent updates, idle_timeout is triggered even during a pause in printing.
How do you know, that nothing really matters here?
What updates are you referring to?
Please upload your latest klippy.log as requested by the template you changed.
has been triggered during PAUSE ever since Klipper existedIt’s strange but I didn’t notice this before.
Ok - you can think of this as a future request.
I don’t think it’s normal when pause = idle
It seems to me that idle_timeout is needed “just in case” if, for example, you manually turned on the heating of a hotend or table and it turned off after a while for safety, or after printing, turn off unnecessary things (backlights, etc.).
But during the pause it is extremely strange.
When the pause gets way too long it can become as dangerous as a thermal runaway.
I had a question that related to this in this post How to pause during the night? - #9 by olhev
I followed @sineos advice and I now use my special pause to give me longer time.
This idle timeout is a safety feature that you should heed and not try to find a way around, rather work with it and and leave the original intention of the idle timeout as it is.