Well, I hear your frustration.
First of all, this is an open source community, if you spend a little time reading the license, you will realize that nobody owes anything.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
So, if anyone, literally anybody, tries to help you, he does so in their free time and in good will.
No one forced you to spend time or money, get a 3d printer, use Klipper, or buy a <name a thing>
The second, logs is nice, but they do not provide the full picture, from peeking at cartographer code they do alter BED_MESH and other commands.
cmd_BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_help = "Perform Mesh Bed Leveling"
def cmd_BED_MESH_CALIBRATE(self, gcmd):
method = gcmd.get("METHOD", "cartographer").lower()
if method == "cartographer":
No one knows which one you use.
The third, as implied by the License and also described here:
You have a modified klipper version.
If you wish to file a bug or insist on having one, you need to have a pristine Klipper version.
You may flash the cartographer with klipper, configure it as LDC1612, and then try again.
So, right now, you have an unsupported probe, and you buying another one, which changes nothing from a support perspective.
Unsupported hardware on a modified klipper version.
It is maybe fine, if you have an issue in another place, it can be ignored. But you say you have an issue with the first layer - so with the probing.
Btw, I do not have a bed slinger and do not have first-layer issues with bed mesh.
PEI + old fashion inductive probe
It may not be ideal, but I have no way to make it better, so far, so good.
Fourth, the Eddy Current probe can and will suffer from magnets, metals, internal stresses, metal internal magnetic domains & etc. You may think they do not suffer from it, but they will.