Internal error on command:"QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL"

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4 r2
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Octopus Pro with EBB 2209 Canbus
Host / SBC Klipper
klippy (3).log (4.8 MB)
printer.cfg (26.5 KB)

Describe your issue:

…printer working fine and just now came up with Internal error on command:“QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL”
all axis home bed mesh works just fails instantly when try quad bed level.

The error is caused by your IDM probe. Likely you need to update due to underlying changes of Klipper.

I’ve updated both the probe and sb2040 to the latest firmware didn’t help.

the error appears after the last corner prob when the correction should be applied, can it be related to the QGL code like in this case: Internal error on command:"QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL" with Voron Tap Probe

Re installed printer config now only fails on last corner

No it is not related to this case. In this case, the error was purely caused by Klipper code.

In your case, the error is:

Internal error on command:"QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/", line 211, in _process_commands
  File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/", line 137, in <lambda>
    func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params))
  File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 53, in cmd_QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL
  File "/home/biqu/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 449, in start_probe
    self.lift_speed = probe.get_probe_params(gcmd)['lift_speed']
AttributeError: 'CartographerProbeWrapper' object has no attribute 'get_probe_params'
Transition to shutdown state: Internal error on command:"QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL"

The key is AttributeError: 'CartographerProbeWrapper' object has no attribute 'get_probe_params', which clearly points to the Cartographer code. If anything, you should adress your issue there.

Thank you for the response, however it was working great before the last klipper update, would you be able to point out the changes to klipper which made it in conflict with the probe?

Thank you.

Whoa, there is an update to klipper , installed all works now…


You may set it to [SOLVE].

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