QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL internal error

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Siboor kit Voron 2.4
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Octopus + sb2209 CAN
Host / SBC BTT Pi
klippy (2).log (4.2 MB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

…Hello I am having an issue where as soon as the printer goes to QGL it crashes with the orange screen stating internal error. I saw the locked post about this but after updating everything it still isn’t working. I had this problem before, and my solution was to roll klipper back 100 or so versions, which was working just great however it turned out I needed to upgrade to get my ERCF to work.

Please help this is driving me crazy…

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You never mentioned the use of cartographer-klipper
Did you read the README.md here cartographer-klipper/firmware/v3 at master · Cartographer3D/cartographer-klipper · GitHub?
I guess your installation of Cartographer is causing your problem.
Sorry, I can’t help you. I never used Cartographer.

You might get help on their Discord https://docs.cartographer3d.com/

Good luck, hcwt14

PS: Interesting price for an eddy current sensor :sunglasses:

I fully support you! I spent about 12 hours solving the problem on my new Voron 2.4 and still haven’t solved it. Apparently we need to wait for some special update. If I solve this problem I will definitely let you know. (rolling back to 300 commits might have helped me, but I’m too lazy to flash the firmware and restore settings)

I think the above post is correct in the cartographer documentation it states a version of klipper after which the cartographer firmware needs to be updated

All versions all programm and firmware latest.
There is simply no newer…

bro I received official answer, QGL working on Klipper version (V0.12.0-114)
new version is not working…

I had a similiar issue on my voron. I now have the indication, it might have been the led_effects. I see in your log, you are using these as well.


Could you try disabeling the led_effects to test if your issues still persists afterwards.

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