Is possible to run klipper thru a long cat 5e?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: stock
This is not an issue and its not 100% related to klipper but:

I have a 3d printer in one point of the house and a server machine 20 meters away from it, can I run a modified cat 5e with 2 usb ports (1 for cammera 1 for printer)?
I dont know how much i can extend it somo websites say 5 meters and other says 30 meters for usb 2.0.


5m is the best you can expect with USB 2.0 and I have had problems with good quality USB Cables that are 3m long with certain devices (my Segger J-Links being a prime example of something that won’t work beyond 2m).

I do have a 10m long USB cable that has a built in hub at the half way point but that’s going to add to the latency of your system.

Wouldn’t the simplest (and maybe cheapest) solution be to get a Raspberry Pi and use it as your host and communicate with it using WiFi?

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I would love to use a raspberry pi but where i live Argentina and anything that come from outside its retained and expensive.
I do have a laptop but it cant run klipper and the telegram bot without crashing

Is there a possibilty to make like a usb over ethernet tunnel with a laptop between the server (dell r310) and a laptop that plugs into printer?

See ESP support (connection over wifi) for a possible solution.

From within the Klipper project, such a setup will not be supported. If it works, then be happy, if not you might need to find someone that is able to debug it.

Ok thank you @Sineos and @mykepredko

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