Jog axis when not referenced?

Basic Information:

Conrad RF-1000 (modified)
MCU / Printerboard: AT MEGA2560

While printing klipper throws an error. Ok, can happen.
Print is already 100mm high.
Can not reference because the aborted print interferes.
Can not move Z-axis (spindel) because not referenced.
What can i do? (exept from opening the bottom of the printer and turn the Z-motor manually)

Uncle Guido

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

Start over? Klipper has no way to resume a failed print.
Otherwise, refer to G-Codes - Klipper documentation

Found it (i think)


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