Basic Information:
Printer Model: Creality Ender 3 S1
MCU / Printerboard: Stock Creality
Host / SBC: x64 VM
klippy.log: klippy-szh.log (115.3 KB)
Describe your issue:
So I guess there’s no-longer a dedicated channel for reporting bugs with Klipper? The project’s repo is locked down, with instructions to post here, but the developer’s New Post template just says “Don’t post bug reports here”… I guess here will do?
Anyhow, Klipper no-longer functionally z-hops when homing. There is a pause when the printer should be moving, and on the web UI (Mainsail), the reported height can be seen increasing to the set hop value, with no stepper movement. My [safe_z_home]
config is unchanged since this worked a few months ago (I haven’t used the printer for a while). In addition, FORCE_MOVE
on the Z axis also does not function when the axis isn’t homed.
I suspected a hardware fault, but on inspection all is fine. The printer otherwise behaves correctly, with the Z axis moving freely in both directions, starting from the downward movement of the homing function. Also, FORCE_MOVE STEPPER=stepper_z
works when the axis is homed.
This is of course sub-optimal, as Klipper thinks it’s at a safe distance above the bed when in reality it’s still at an arbitrary Z height and is vulnerable to crashing into the bed.
Potentially related:
Edit: Further homing weirdness; with the z-hop options in [safe_z_home]
removed, the Y axis does not home – after about 10 seconds the error No trigger on y after full movement
appears, despite no movement from the Y axis.