Kamp and bed level issues?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender 3 v2 ish
MCU / Printerboard:btt mini e3 v3
Host / SBC laptop converted to klipper
klippy.log nonme
config-20240505-155534.zip (1.2 KB)
config-20240505-155524.zip (3.1 KB)

so i have been having issues with the one printer and kamp, i have installed 3 separate times. each time my bed level goes funky and unable to achieve decent level so i go back to regular non kamp settings and level goes back to normal, along with this my bed adhesion with kamp enabled is non existend, but no kamp ther is no issue.
having said this i am confused as o how kamp would effect bed adhesion when then other two printers have no issues running kamp, they actually run flawlessly now that kamp is in there.
any ideas?

What Klipper version are you running?

newest just updated everything past couple days,

i just honestly think something is funky somewhere, i just cant find it? maybe in my printer.cfg mayme it just feedds of the kamp settings when enabled? so many thoughts lol

Klipper 0.12.0 already has Adaptive Mesh included.


Hmm well I guess I missed that read?? Lol

So still confused as to why the one machine is having the issues but not the others?.
I’m behind on my Klipper knowledge big time! My xc1 printers I pretty much hit print and don’t think much with them ha, but these Klipper printers seem to be the bane of my existence…. I will have to have a read and see maybe I will have to do a fresh install of Klipper for the one printer

no reading this that is great, but no config example etc of it to be enabled?

Read again. There’s an example config in the link @EddyMI3D provided.

if said config youjr speaking of on the link is the bed mesh with the added adaptive part well that has done nothing?
i have scoured the link and and cant figure it out.

so what i am asking is a proper instruction as to get it up and running, my knowledge of klipper is limited until i see a proper instruction then i can begin to understand, this is what made the 80s and 90s so great, if you wanted instructions youd be provided a detailed book lol.

im honestly just trying to figure out all of this, and have found alot of the documentation confusing, and from what i have read online im not the only one who has had a hard time with some of it.
so please bear with me as i am frustrated and not used to having such a hard time figuring it out.

The link explains how adaptive meshing works and gives an example with a diagram. Immediately below the diagram is a block from the printer.cfg that corresponds to the example. The very next section of the documentation describes the bed meshing gcodes and the first one is BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, which accepts a parameter ADAPTIVE that takes a value of either 0 for no or 1 for yes. So if you wanted to use adaptive meshing exactly like the example in the documentation, you’d use the example config block in your own config file, then pass ADAPTIVE=1 as one of the parameters to BED_MESH_CALIBRATE.

ok i think i understand, i will give that a go. i apreciate the help and spelling it out for me. maybe as ive got older im just getting dumber lol.

alot of it too, has been this what used to be an ender 3v2 has been my bane. levelimng issues since day one almost 2 years ago, i swear if you sneeze on it it goes hay wire

well no good, did not work for me…dont know what im missing here?
dont understand how to pass the adaptive part to bed mesh calibrate etc

See also this post and related comments: Native adaptative mesh support - #4 by Sineos

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Thank you but I don’t think it’s anything that I’ve done or what we have been doing… it’s something with this printer I will be making a post about it.

Thank you though!!

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