Keep vacuum chuck powered through system restarts?

Hi folks, I have an AON3D M2+ running Klipper, and it uses a vacuum chuck to hold build sheets on the bed, in a heated chamber so messing with stuff in there is pretty annoying.

I’m trying to use initial_pins in menuconfig and the value / shutdown_value parameters on the [output_pin] config block to keep the pump on throughout restarts so I don’t have to fiddle with it again every time I eg save my config. I’ve got it so it comes back on after a restart, but there’s a brief blip of low state on the pin which is enough to kill my vacuum.

Is this just a limitation of the processor, or am I missing a config setting someplace? It’s an atmega2560 board, specifically a Controllino Mega which is a glorified Arduino with some relays on it.

The config block is

[output_pin vacuum_bed]
pin: PL0
pwm: false
value: 1
shutdown_value: 1

And the initial_pins field in menuconfig is just PL0


You will never get rid of that blip. The blip is when it is restarting.

I fixed this issue on a machine a few years back by adding a timer relay. You use an output from your board to trigger the timer relay and then set the timer relay to have an off delay of however long you want.

Alright that’s more or less what I was expecting. I’ll see about adding a delay term in hardware like you suggest, thanks!

Agreed - what you have configured I think is the best possible that can be done from software.

That said, I think the atmega2560 GPIOs go into high-impedance mode on a reset, so a hardware pullup resistor on PL0 may be an alternate fix.
