Klipper crashing TronXY X5SA new board revision

Basic Information:

Printer Model: TronXY X5SA
MCU / Printerboard: F446/CXY-V6-191121
klippy_shutdown2.log (25.4 KB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue: Hi folks, I have issues with Klipper crashing after about 10-15 minutes of use. I’ve tried changing usb cable, checking dmesg to see if maybe USB is dropping on the host side but that’s not the case. I have some parsed logs from two shutdowns attached since my full klippy log is too large. Please advise.

Please provide a full klippy.log

klippy.zip (1.0 MB)
Here it is compressed.

See Klipper suddenly stopping early print on my Ender 6 which has been working for months