Klipper on Android: mcu unable to connect

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender 3 (the original)
MCU / Printerboard: Creality 4.2.2.
Host / SBC Android 5.0.2 / Cyanogen 12 / Oneplus One

klippy (2.log (69.3 KB)
printer.cfg (3.2 KB)

The printer cfg is modified for ender 3, but I did use for the “make menuconfig” the instructions for the ender 3 v2 since it has the same 4.2.2 board.

Describe your issue:

I did everything that is said in the gaifeng8864’s guide on github (will post link separately), except I chose the v6 version of kiauh with python3.9 since it seems like it works better with debian11. I created the firmware within KIAUH (since its the same as make menuconfig) with the configurations:

28KiB bootloader
serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9)
Enable extra low-level configuration options
Disable SWD at startup

Flashed it to the Ender 3 with microsd, screen is blue, nothing displayed (as i suppose it should be).

I also have octo4a from before. I linked the android’s /data/data/com.octo4a/files to debian’s /home/print3D/octo4a.

My computer connects to fluidd, and my phone displays the klipperscreen, so I suppose that the installation went good. Though it says that klipper cant connect to mcu, so the setup doesn’t communicate with the printer itself. When I open octo4a, it says that the printer is connected to /dev/bus/usb/002/002, and when I execute command ls -al /print3D/home/octo4a/serialpipe it displays the /dev/pts/0 or 1 or 2 or 3 directories. There is no /dev/tty… I also tried using the /dev/ptmx.
I set the 777 permissions for every directory I mentioned.

I am a newbie to all of this, and I have seen successful setups, so I must be doing something wrong. What is it?

The klipper on android guide:

klipper-on-android/README_en.md at main · gaifeng8864/klipper-on-android · GitHub

Also, I did try running his script with every directory I mentioned

Hello @n00bie !

Maybe the first place for help would be that GitHub site.

How did you obtain that serial?

serial = /dev/ptmx

Hello! It was mentioned somewhere… don’t even remember, before that I tried the /dev/pts/0 and 2 (whatever ls -al serialpipe gave me) and it didn’t work.

Usually you obtain it by a certain command (in Linux: ls /dev/serial/by-id/*) from the connected printer board.
I don’t know what’s the equivalent in Android is. You may ask at that GitHub site.

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