I tried switching to Klipper and followed the instructions, but I have a few questions I couldn’t find answers to in the forum or online.
While configuring on the Raspberry Pi, after selecting my processor, how do I know if I need to select 32KB or 64KB, given that my board contains an STM32F103 VET6?
After preparing everything, I downloaded the .bin file and tried to flash the board, but the progress bar is stuck, and nothing happens.
Did I make a mistake in the Raspberry Pi configuration?
I couldn’t find a .cfg file for my printer; the only available ones are for U20 or LK4, which I believe are different from mine.
I edited the U30 file, but how can I ensure that my file works correctly?
I consulted the posts by Andre and Sander and managed to set up Klipper:
Changed from 32k to 64k
The bin file must be named “project” to be read
However, I am now facing two new problems:
The 2.8’ touch screen on my 3D printer turns black and is not working.
The BL Touch is not working.
I am using a 3D Touch and wiring it to Z min and Z max.
For configuration, I am using PE6 and PD13 as suggested on the forum.
I tried different combinations, including inverting PD13, but had no luck.
Important Note: On startup, the 3D Touch goes out and in twice, but nothing happens when I command it. When homing the Z axis, I get the following error:
BLTouch failed to verify sensor state BLTouch failed to verify sensor state; retrying.
Probably to be expected. Due to Klipper’s architecture and its support of Webinterfaces and tools like KlipperScreen, the focus on these individual screens is pretty low.
Chances are good that it simply is not supported.
In the linked thread above there is also a link that explains what needs to be done and
I don’t think I explained my point clearly enough:
I followed the link you provided and even contacted the person who posted it for support.
For my wiring, orange on 13 and white on 6, plus the 3D Touch was working perfectly on the Marlin firmware, so the possibility of a defective BL Touch or bad wiring is unlikely.
As I mentioned, when I supply the machine with current, the BL Touch goes out and in twice by itself. On Marlin, this indicates that the BL Touch is functioning correctly.
For the config file, I tried several combinations, but as you see, I didn’t get any results.
as i mentioned before it’s a 3d touch … or if you want to call it BL touch Clone.
and i read the article on the link you provided more thn dozen of times…