Malfunction on Pause and runout sensor, not expected behaviour

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Phoenix, (Own design, own build)
MCU / Printerboard: Fujitsu Futro mini pc / Octopus V1.1
Host / SBC

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Describe your issue:

There is something wrong when you are using Pause and combining it with runout sensor detection, just resuming a lot, you make twice Pause, doesn’t matter if you set the pause on runout to true or to false, always make Pause, having or not , another defined pauses, in any case, Pause is executed twice if you have the:
pause_on_runout: False # True # 20241108
activated, and even if not, the system makes a Pause anyway, and again, when you unload the filament, you cover and uncover again the filament sensor, and makes twice too the Pause procedure, this is how I have my sensor defined, and I will enclose my Pause command, and my filament load unload routines, this is the complete filament runout setup:

# **********************************************************************************
# Sensor de filamento
# **********************************************************************************

[filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor]
pause_on_runout: False # True # 20241108
    M118 Detectada falta de filamento!
    M118 Pulsa para descargar!
    M117 Detectada falta de filamento!
    M117 Pulsa para descargar!
    # Pause  # Tratando de  evitar doble pausa 20241108 
    # M118 Envia el texto al terminal, M117 envia el texto a klipper screen


    # making some noise
    M400 # Pausa hasta que todas las acciones pendientes se completan
    M300 S440 P200
    M400 # Pausa hasta que todas las acciones pendientes se completan
    M300 S660 P250
    M400 # Pausa hasta que todas las acciones pendientes se completan
    M300 S880 P300
    M400 # Pausa hasta que todas las acciones pendientes se completan
    # Pause  # Tratando de  evitar doble pausa 20241108 
    # filament_unload # deshabilitado para que no descargue filamento dos veces seguidas

    M118 Preparada para cargar filamento!
    M117 Preparada para cargar filamento!
    M400 # Pausa hasta que todas las acciones pendientes se completan    
event_delay: 3.0
pause_delay: 2.0 # 1.5 # 0.01 # 20241022
switch_pin: !PG12

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