The last two times i’ve tried to print it, its failed at around this point give/take a few hours, and gave these errors.
What could be going on? everyhing else seems to be pretty happy.
I tried googling the error, and the only thing i could find is related to my use of a series extruder and pressure advance, which are both things I am using here.
Filament Sensor filament_sensor: runout event detected, Time 66265.46
Exiting SD card print (position 15673233)
Timeout with MCU 'mcu' (eventtime=66266.044442)
Transition to shutdown state: Lost communication with MCU 'mcu'
The other errors are just consequential. Looks a bit like an issue with your filament sensor. I recommend testing it separately and also to verify the config. Is the pull-down on the pin correct?
Side note: I have removed these filament motion sensors from my system, as I found them very unreliable and prone to do stupid things.
It successfully detects errors, pauses the print, and allows recovery, and resumption. If you look at the logs, that happened a few times during the print, and has been working successfully throughout the week.
Regardless of your opinion on them, there’s something that is breaking within klipper and/or causing issues with the board. Is your proposal that its delivering voltages that are temporarily killing the board?
No idea. Could be anything from faulty hardware over broken cables to you-name-it.
From the log I can only tell you that there was a run-out event and at the same time the MCU stopped responding. So apparently the filament sensor did something that killed the MCU.
So its definitely not related at all to similar historical issues with synced extruders and long prints. Which definitely don’t have similar errors for their similar issue in the step compressor. Definitely faulty hardware that counts pulses.
Considering there is no ryhme or reason, but only happens when i’m well over a kilo of filament into the print, I strongly believe its a resurgence of old errors, which even follow similar forms
Why does “internal error on command: G1” indicate hardware issues?
When I see that it successfully detected and initiated a pause for runout (as it has successfully done) but then immediately dies, with very unique errors “Internal Error on command: G1” I’m a little baffled that an error only happens when its significantly underway with a print (a few kg+)
The hardware is new. Wire is good. It has detected over 100 clogs in the last week alone (voids in filament, I forgot how spoiled I am with my normal suppliers), but the only time it errors is only when there is significant filament through the system and then detects a clog.
I understand that you’re trying to help, I really do.
I have checked the log myself. I can read. I see that it ran out. It happened before too. That time it didn’t even give me the error list of G1.
But why I’m here is that I don’t believe its hardware - there is no hardware reason that only after a significant portion of time and filament that a filament runout event causes the entire machine to shut down. It doesn’t make sense. Considering the history of sync’d extruders and large prints, i’m mostly looking for someone who knows code (my blind spot) to tell me there’s no way that there’s similar issues as what has been done in the past, as the smart filament sensor since its tracking pulses/passage of filament might have something to do with the error.
That’s what i’m looking for.
I’m already running different tests here - i swapped out to USB instead of CAN to try to get rid of one possibility.
I’ll do the sync’d extruder next
and the smart sensor last.
The logs you posted do not even remotely compare to your log. These G1 logs start with this error when they shutdown
Your shutdown starts with Timeout with MCU 'mcu'directly after the runout event and all the rest of the errors are just consequential to this initial event