Manual Bed Mesh aborts prematurely

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voxelab Aquila (1)
MCU / Printerboard: G32 printer chip with Radxa Zeros (SBC)
klippy.log (5.4 MB)

Describe your issue:

When conducting a Manual Bed Mesh (5x5 or 3x3) after the 3rd position, the software action (macro maybe?) aborts prematurely.

Using Fluidd.

I manually check the heights using a post-it note and adjust each position as necessary using the z-height adjust interface pop-up, and then press accept, but when I press accept after the 3rd position the pop-up to do the height adjustments disappears and the interface is back to what t was before.

Attached are the config and macro cfg files for reference.
macros.cfg (2.3 KB)
printer.cfg (2.4 KB)

Please help.


I’m not sure if I understand what you are trying to achieve.
Some general notes, when not using a probe: