Hi Folks! I got it. I install klipper in to my mks robin nano v3. Everything seems alright but the homing doenst works. The x and y moves are not in just in each directions and z doenst home until reach the end stop. My printer is a ender 4 thats is H-bot, not a coreXY. This is the problem? How to correct this?
printer.cfg (4.7 KB)
What kind of stepper do you use? TMCs? If yes, then you are missing the entire config for these stepper drivers.
If the steppers just move into the wrong direction then you can change this via adding or deleting a !
in front of your dir_pin
of the relevant stepper.
For the H-Bot kinematics you need to set:
kinematics = corexy
Hi, I’m using the TMC 2209 Step Drivers. The motors don’t move to the wrong side, X and Y moves to right side but they don’t move in a straight line and z moves to correct side but doesn’t reach the endstop, it stops after rise some cm.
Thanks for the tips, the problem was the kinematics that’s wrong! Now its works!!!
Thanks a lot!!!