Error loading kinematics 'cartesian'

Hello I’am trying to run klipper on ‘my Ender-3’ with ‘mks robin e3d’ for the first time.
I can’t find which part is wrong
please let me know if you know where the problem is

Thanks in advance!!

error message

Error loading kinematics 'cartesian'

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART"
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted


===== Config file =====


kinematics = cartesian

max_velocity = 300

max_accel = 2000

max_z_velocity = 5

max_z_accel = 100

[tmc2209 stepper_x]

uart_pin = PC7

run_current = 0.800

hold_current = 0.500

stealthchop_threshold = 999999


step_pin = PC0

dir_pin = PB2

enable_pin = !PC13

microsteps = 16

rotation_distance = 40

endstop_pin = ^PA12

position_endstop = 0

position_max = 165

homing_speed = 50

[tmc2209 stepper_y]

uart_pin = PD2

run_current = 0.800

hold_current = 0.500

stealthchop_threshold = 999999


step_pin = PC2

dir_pin = PB9

enable_pin = !PB12

microsteps = 16

rotation_distance = 40

endstop_pin = ^PA11

position_endstop = 0

position_max = 165

homing_speed = 50

[tmc2209 stepper_z]

uart_pin = PC12

run_current = 0.650

hold_current = 0.450

stealthchop_threshold = 999999


step_pin = PC14

dir_pin = !PC15

enable_pin = !PB8

microsteps = 16

rotation_distance = 8

position_max = 200

[tmc2209 extruder]

uart_pin = PC11

run_current = 0.800

hold_current = 0.500

stealthchop_threshold = 999999


step_pin = PB4

dir_pin = PB3

enable_pin = !PB5

microsteps = 16

rotation_distance = 33.500

nozzle_diameter = 0.400

filament_diameter = 1.750

heater_pin = PC9

sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F

sensor_pin = PA0

control = pid

pid_kp = 21.527

pid_ki = 1.063

pid_kd = 108.982

min_temp = 0

max_temp = 250


heater_pin = PC8

sensor_pin = PA1

sensor_type = EPCOS 100K B57560G104F

control = pid

pid_kp = 54.027

pid_ki = 0.770

pid_kd = 948.182

min_temp = 0

max_temp = 130


pin = PA8


sensor_pin = ^PC6

control_pin = PA3

x_offset = -60

y_offset = -13

z_offset = 2.95

samples = 2


aliases = 

  CR_EXP3_10=<5V>, CR_EXP3_8=PA4, CR_EXP3_6=PA6, CR_EXP3_4=<RST>, CR_EXP3_2=PC3,

  CR_EXP3_9=<GND>, CR_EXP3_7=PA5, CR_EXP3_5=PB0, CR_EXP3_3=PB11,  CR_EXP3_1=PC1


lcd_type = st7920

sid_pin = PA4

cs_pin = PA5

sclk_pin = PA6

encoder_pins = ^PB0, ^PB11

click_pin = ^!PC3


path = ~/sdcard


serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0


Error loading kinematics 'cartesian'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 256, in __init__

    self.kin = mod.load_kinematics(self, config)

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/kinematics/", line 142, in load_kinematics

    return CartKinematics(toolhead, config)

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/kinematics/", line 16, in __init__

    for n in 'xyz']

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 386, in LookupMultiRail

    rail = PrinterRail(config)

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 268, in __init__


  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 347, in add_extra_stepper

    pin_params = ppins.parse_pin(endstop_pin, True, True)

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 210, in parse_pin

    desc = pin_desc.strip()

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

Config error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 157, in _connect


  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 143, in _read_config


  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 600, in add_printer_objects

    config.get_printer().add_object('toolhead', ToolHead(config))

  File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 264, in __init__

    raise config.error(msg)

Error: Error loading kinematics 'cartesian'

webhooks client 3041261888: New connection

webhooks client 3041261888: Client info {'program': 'Moonraker', 'version': 'v0.7.1-42-g81176a6'}
1 Like

Does your really contain all these blank lines? Make sure that the cfg

  • does not contain surplus blanks etc
  • does not contain surplus blank lines
  • is unix end-of-line format (do not edit with windows notepad or similar)

Also your config is missing endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop in [stepper_z] section