Move out of range error after homing

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom
MCU / Printerboard: BTT E3EZ
Host / SBC mainsail
{X} Klippy log
klippy.log (1.0 MB)

Describe your issue:

i looked at the solutions for this and it said to add G90 to the start of the program. or right after G28 i did that. its in there 3 times. it should be working.
do i have to add it in after every line of code or is there a better fix for this?

Hello @CursedSword !

Please stick to the template: The most important information is missing.
Deleting the lines that ask for the klippy.log do not free you from attaching it.

The log complains moves to negative coordinate in X and Y.

How did you setup the origin of the printer in the slicer?

Posting the klippy.log in your second post was quite ok.

its set to 0, 0.

its not the actual origin of the bed corner. extruder sits at about +12mm X -6mm Y due to adding optical limit sensors on XY and because of carriage travel limits.
so that its physical origin in relation the the front left corner. i cant use the full 220mm bed so i limited XY to 200mm to keep it from traveling off the bed during print. it worked well until i upgraded to kipper.

could it be traveling past the endstops after it homes? maybe they arent working accurately?

For information about limits and homing, you may see here:

thanks, I added a position_min -1 and it seemed to work. it was able to print after saving and rebooting.

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