Hello everyone, I’m new here, and I assembling a BLV mgn Cube, BL-TOUCH and BED MESH have been matched,and when I start printing, the move out of range error appears after the heating bed and extrusion head are heated.
klippy .log (1.2 MB)
Hello @Jason_86 !
There are some points in your klippy.log/printer.cfg that are a bit obscure:
position_endstop = -20
position_max = 310
position_min = -20
I assume you use that wide negative area for a purpose.
Your BLtouch is 40 mm to the left of the nozzle:
x_offset = -40
y_offset = 0
So you have at leas start at 40, better 50, for the mash grid for X.
With start at 10, it is, regarding you start at -20, at 10mm left out of the bed (all values in X direction).
mesh_min = 10,10
mesh_max = 265,265
mesh_min = 50,10
mesh_max = 265,265
Your issue is reporting a negative Y value. The printer starts at Y=0.
You may share the the zipped gcode file here, so we can see that going wrong.
Also there is this:
Unknown command:"HYPERLAPSE"
That command is not defined in the printer.cfg
Thanks for your help, this is the gcode file
TEST.zip (910.7 KB)
Actually, your print goes quite a lot into the negative area:
G1 F1500 E0
G1 F2700 X9.966 Y-22.71 E0.03941
G1 X10.747 Y-22.59 E0.07884
G1 X11.511 Y-22.393 E0.1182
G1 X12.252 Y-22.118 E0.15763
G1 X12.961 Y-21.771 E0.19701
G1 X13.631 Y-21.353 E0.23641
G1 X14.256 Y-20.87 E0.27582
G1 X14.692 Y-20.465 E0.30551
G1 X20.465 Y-14.692 E0.71282
And also at X
G1 F2700 X14.01 Y8.942 E217.63242
G1 X8.942 Y14.01 E217.75161
G1 X-8.942 Y14.01 E218.04903
G1 X-14.01 Y8.943 E218.1682
G1 X-14.01 Y-8.942 E218.46563
G1 X-8.943 Y-14.01 E218.58481
G1 X8.942 Y-14.01 E218.88224
For a CoreXY printer, you have to set the start point lower left. (Uncheck Origin at center).
Thank you very much for your help~ It was working fine after I uncheck Origin at center~added new knowledge