Multi-filament prints with KAMP purging

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality Ender 3 v3 KE
MCU / Printerboard: Factory fitted
Host / SBC: Factory fitted
klippy.log – seems to be empty or non-existent. Clicking the download link in Mainsail does nothing and I can’t find it in /var/log/*

Describe your issue:

I have KAMP set up and working well and I’m trying to print with multiple filaments in the first layer using the M600 command to change filaments. I was having an issue where the first portion of the print following a filament change would fail to extrude, (presumably because it had retracted too much), and the nozzle would also be dirty with oozed filament.

I tried adding a LINE_PURGE after M600 and this is all working well now, however the LINE_PURGE takes the extruder directly over the printed part in the centre of the bed before moving to the start of line to purge, which drags filament over it and causes a mess.

Is there a way to make KAMP respect the part boundaries before purging? Is there a better way to do what I’m trying to achieve?

Hello @SpaceDandy !

As I understand, you installed KAMP on a recent version (0.12.0…) of Klipper.

Klipper from 0.12.0… on has Adaptive Mesh included.

You could set up the purge area so it’s between your park position and wherever your object is printing.

Thanks. I couldn’t figure out how to do that easily, but you gave me a different idea: I changed the PAUSE macro to leave the extruder at the other end of the bed.

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