Multiple Instances

I am stuck, been at it for days

Dual Printers: SV01PRO-SKR 3 EZ & SV04IDEX-Creality 5.2.1

Both Printers can connect and operate on a single instance. But when I uninstall everything via kiauh then reinstall with 2 instances for Klipper and Moonraker…It says connected to both but it seems both instances are connected to one printer. Ex: If I command bed heater to 60 on the IDEX instance klipper shows both printers set to the same temp and only the SV01 responds. Klippy log shows error2 for the IDEX. I am using the same MCU path as I did with each printer loaded independently. Another interesting thing is the klippy log for both instances are identical

I also get this error on the SV01PRO instance only. This really Puzzles me

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated

klippy (5).log (372.4 KB)

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