Multiple Klipper instances

Just a basic question to the community.

I have no experience running more than one printer using Klipper.
Does Klipper generates a “klippy.log” for each printer?

I’d prefer not to hijack threads.
As for your question, see Frequently Asked Questions - Klipper documentation

You need multiple instances as well as multiple instances of Moonraker. Without some experience in Klipper and Linux, this is hard to setup manually.
The easiest way is to use KIAUH as it does all the legwork for you.

With my multi instance printer setup, yes it generates a different klippy.log for each printer. As long as you’ve configured the paths correctly, they can be accessed via your normal Moonraker page just like any other printer.

Just like Sineos said, I used KIAUH to set mine up. its way easier then doing so manually.

Sorry for hijacking the thread. Won’t happen again.

Thank you both.

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