Need help ender 3v2 4.3.7 dual axis bl touch sonic pad

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender 3v2
MCU / Printerboard: 3.
Host / SBC

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ok so i just purchased a sonic pad , i have one printer with a 4.2.7 just iinstalled aswell one with regular 3v2 board, my printer with 4.2.7 has dual axis and bl touch(metal probe) cant seem to figure this out. hard to find info on code for the dual z axis i am also a sever rookie at coding etc.
so that printer i seem to be having a z axis problem where it gets stuck clicking a zaxis motor/ binding and putting nozzle into bed etc

my other printer with regular bord 4.3.1 seems to get to the print screen but then disconnects from sonic pad , i am trying to run both off the sonic pad could very much use alott of help been stuck for days here

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Hello @fredflintstone !

What should I say: Creality Sonic Pad and Alternatives

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