New board for Prusa MK3s

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Prusa MK3s
MCU / Printerboard:actually none

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Describe your issue: Hello, I didn’t find anything on the forum, so I’ll ask a “stupid” question. I actually have a Prusa MK3s with a broken motherboard, and I find it hard to purchase the same old 8-bit board again. As actually i’m building a Voron too, which surely will run under Klipper, I think it would be good to run the Prusa under Klipper, too.

Now my question: there are lots of different boards to choose, and I would really appreciate if someone has some experience and give me a hint. Probably I should use TMC2209 drivers?
Is there any interest in purchasing an expensive board, as calculation is essentially done by the raspi? For the Prusa (and for the Voron) I’m not really in speed, but perhaps print quality?
Thank you for your understanding, I hope to be in the right forum

I’m using a Robin Nano V3.1 running Klipper on my home built RepRap Cartesian with TMC2209s - works great and I’m using sensorless homing. I also have a Voron 2.4 running Klipper with an Octopus V1.1.

The really nice thing about Klipper is that it really is hardware agnostic. If you wanted, you could purchase the same old 8-bit board again and then upgrade sometime later with very little effort. I also share macros between my machines.

Klipper is the way to go.

That’s what I thought. The Prusa failed printing with one of the last prints for the voron :slight_smile:
And their board isn’t that cheap for what it is. Ok, I’ll go for a not to expensive board with TMC 2009. Luckily I have two raspberrys…

Thank you

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