No trigger on x after full movement IDEX

@Sineos, I thought it was best to close my other post as solved and make a new one with the issues separately for sake of solution searching.

Basic Information:

Printer Model: JG Maker Artist-D IDEX
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Robin Pro
klippy.log (794.9 KB)
Printer Config:
printer (1).cfg (8.9 KB)

Describe your issue:

I was configuring for [dual_carriage]. No matter what I do neither X will move. The enable pins work, I assume the direction pins work, but they do not step at all. I can hook up my O-Scope to monitor the pins if need be. For a sanity check I removed the [dual_carriage] and configured for one x. It still engages, but does not move.

For another sanity check I swapped the stepper_y with stepper_x and the Y stage moves when it is configured in stepper_x, but y does not move configured under the stepper_x.

For another sanity check I enabled [homing_override] after I swapped the stepper_x and stepper_y back. I then sent G28 Y0 Z0 and Y homed, then Z homed with the bltouch as configured.

So I have verified that it only has issues in X. For the MKS Robin Pro in IDEX, stepper_x is X on the board, and dual_carriage is E2 on the board. I have a couple of these all running marlin and I used pins_MKS_ROBIN_PRO.h from Marlin to configure correctly.

For my last sanity check, I put Marlin back on the board and homing works without issue. So at this point I do not know if it is an issue with the firmware I had to download, or if there is some configuration blackhole that is not producing an error until I try to home and get “7:42 AM
No trigger on x after full movement”

As motioned, I removed all traces of dual_carriage, and used X pins, and E2 pins, neither move at all, but they both enable the stepper motors. So I know it is not the hardware.

When I trigger the x endstops manually:

Thank you,

step_pin = PE3
dir_pin = PE2
enable_pin = PE4

enable_pin needs to be negated.

Ok, thank you. I was chasing my tail on the firmware for hours and I can not believe I did not try that again. 24-hours non-stop.

Right there plain as day in my marlin conifg:
// For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1
// :{ 0:‘Low’, 1:‘High’ }
#define X_ENABLE_ON 0

Still not sure why the enable pins were active before? Wait, maybe they were enabled because they were enabled before, disabled when I tried to move it and it failed to move, then enabled after the error thinking it was disabling it. I will need sleep before tackling the dual_carriage, lol.

@Sineos, thank you for being my ambassador of clarity today, :slight_smile: You are appreciated!

Do you get donations through my patron donations to klipper, or do you have a link for a tip?

Your aces,


Thanks for supporting Klipper! Appreciated and fully sufficient.


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