Nozzle colliding with bed after Probe Calibrate

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Tronxy X5SA
MCU / Printerboard: Chitu v6
klippy.log klippy.log (3.2 MB)

Hello there, being fairly new to klipper, I’m having a little bit of difficulty with my printer today.
I just set up a DD hot end on my X5SA and had to do some tinkering with the physical height. I levelled my bed over all of the screws then did my new PROBE_CALIBRATE to a height that I am happy with. Next I go launch my first print which homes with the perfect nozzle height, then on purge line the the nozzle proceeds to collide with the hotend and starts dragging.

Just wondering if I have messed something up in my configuration files. Any help is appreciated.

From a quick look through the log it seems that you did not follow the required procedure fully and either forgot to ACCEPT or SAVE_CONFIG the new value.

Repeat and make sure that your new value actually ends up in your printer.cfg

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