Sv 06 nozzle keeps crashing into bed, bed level off, what do I do?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: sovol sv06
MCU / Printerboard: v0.11.0-6-g336cc92a

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Describe your issue:

I crashed the nozzle onto a model recently, and the probe got jammed up inside it’s housing. I fixed that and releveled z axis, which seems good now. However, when I home the z axis it no longer crashes, but when I try to do a print it crashes and drags along the bed, as you can see… I can manually change the z offset to stop that, but that doesn’t seem like a long term solution. The bed also now has a noticeable slope upward as you bo back on the x axis, about .6 variance from front to back. (1.4 MB)

Hello @slimjet !

As for you had this accident and fixed the probe mounting, I recommend a complete leveling of bed and a probe calibration:

BTW: This is recommend every time you did something on bed and extruder.

I’ve done a bunch of probe calibrations, but the change doesn’t seem to stick. After I do a probe calibration, I save_config. When the printer restarts and I take the nozzle down, it STILL crashes. Doesn’t matter how many times I use probe_calibrate.

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