Bltouch and printer.cfg

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality modified
MCU / Printerboard:Ender 4.2.7
Host / Klipper / raspberry pi
klippy.log (39.3 KB)

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Describe your issue:

…Since installing Octoprint 1.9.3, the PROBE_CALIBRATE has stopped working. I found two contrary suggestions in the FAQ - one to remove the [bltouch] section from printer.cfg, and the other to update it manually. I tried both approaches with the same result - I can’t get the printhead to zero. There are no mechanical obstructions and the Z0 microswitch is disconnected in favor of Bltouch which has been working for the last year.

In any case, PROBE_CALIBRATE followed by TESTZ will only move the printhead down to a height of about 0.2mm If i do it manually, the “paper test” works out, but then when I start to print it immediately tries to move the printhead to a negative value.

I am using Prusa Slicer 2.7.4

Help, please

Can you please attach the klippy.log to your next post.

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