Hi, after long search for a solution, i try to understand what’s wrong with my problem.
I’ve flashed my board octopus 1.1 with an sd card, fat 32 16GO, a jumper in place between BOOT0 and 3.3V.
I found the usb serial here :
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0483:df11 STMicroelectronics STM Device in DFU Mode
But the command “make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11” let me appear this message
“no rule to make target flash klipper”
i don’t understand what’s wrong, any advice or idea please ?
thanks for your help
Are you in the correct directory?
My octopus pro flashes no problem using
make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11
hi @mjoconr , yes i’ve tried on pi and klipper directory but unsuccessfully.
since my question on this post, I tried to change the communication mode via the UART.
I’ve flashed the board successfully, plugin the cables on gpio pins.
there the problem is different, I have an undervoltage error on klipper.
By connecting the 5v and gnd plug to the stable 5V supply, the error disappears but the MCU error appears.
I would like to reflash the card to usb and see if that would work maybe?
But i don’t understand what’s going wrong with these 2 methods of work.
sorry for the explanations a bit confusing, I try to detail as I understand the problems I encountered.
thanks for some helps